Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Magnum Craze

         Magnum.  It is an ice cream brand owned by Unilever Company sold in most countries. Lately, it has been the trend in the Philippines and it became popular because aficionados would normally take a picture of themselves while holding or eating a Magnum and would later on post them in Facebook or other sites. 

The ice cream has varying flavours but only three became popular in the Philippines, namely  the Magnum Classic, Magnum Chocolate Truffle, and Magnum Almond. I was curious so I ate a classic flavoured Magnum that I found in my fridge one night. For me, it was just a typical chocolate-coated vanilla ice cream on a stick. What it makes it special I think is the popsicle stick because it is larger than a normal one, and has its brand name and logo printed on it. I would rather buy a twenty peso pinipig ice cream.

Magnum as seen on 9gag:

        I would rather buy from this:

 It became too overrated that people who post a picture of them with the ice cream became really annoying. The funny thing is that people in blogs and other websites would mock and make fun of the people who brag their Magnums in the internet. 

Some Magnum fans:

My most favorite one:

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