Sunday, March 25, 2012

Say Hi to SimSimi

Last year, Apple Inc. launched the latest and the fifth generation iPhone, which is the iPhone 4S. The newest iPhone gained popularity because of its futuristic and advanced application Siri, an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator. The app uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests. 

Recently, a similar application became popular. The application is called SimSimi, and it has the ability to communicate with its user, just like Siri and Cleverbot.  

        This is SimSimi. Say hi!

It became trending in our country because of its ability to understand and speak Filipino language. However, unlike Siri, the use of SimSimi is just for fun and not to be treated seriously. For example, if you ask him: “Who’s Siri?” he would answer “I’m way smarter than her =)”. That’s how he got known as the “evil twin of Siri”. However, critics over the internet disapprove of SimSimi because of inappropriate sentences and words said by the app. The SimSimi Team blog states that they are aware of the issues and are currently taking the appropriate and rapid actions to prevent these problems in the future and we will take additional actions to provide a better environment for user and not only is our company’s effort needed, but also our users’ support to make SimSimi a fun, sound, and useful application. In my opinion, SimSimi is an innovative entertaining application used for fun. We shouldn’t use it as the cause of making fun of others or offending them.

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