Thursday, March 22, 2012


   In my opinion, I was able to achieve the goals I set for grammar and reading because constructing my own articles from time to time actually helped me develop my grammar and reading skills. I am also proud of myself because creating your own logs every week is like writing your own diary and for me it is really enjoying and fun to do. 

    I can improve myself by reading different stuff such as novels, articles, short stories, newspapers, and magazines so that I can improve my reading and grammar skills. By this way, I will be able to expand my ideas and radically widen my knowledge towards grammar. 

   While completing the portfolio, I observed proper use of adverbs, proper subject and verb agreement, and proper sentence parallelism. I also considered using different unconventional words which helped me broaden my vocabulary

   The difficulty that I encountered in doing the portfolio is simply coming up of a topic to write, but then again being resourceful and practical helped me come up of ideas to write. 

    The process of creating your own language portfolio is really meaningful yet fun to do. It is essential because serves as our “practice exercise” for our grammar and reading skills that will later on have a great role in our future ventures.

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